Privacy Policy

Our website

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Whenever a visitor reads an article on the website, he is given the option to comment to express his opinion on our article. Spam of any kind will not be accepted in comments. Our website is very concerned about spam comments. You should avoid spam of any kind.

Zoojaa looks at spam very carefully. We take a very strict stance against spam. Spam sent by you or by any user will not be tolerated.

Images and video

You can use the image or video present on Zoojaa to increase your knowledge. You can use this material anywhere in the program for your convenience but keep in mind that it is the property of Zoojaa. You cannot sell any content of Zoojaa.


Whenever you comment on any article to give your opinion, you must provide your Gmail address or name so that your data is saved in the cookie. After saving in the cookie, you can comment anytime in future, you will not have to save your data again. We will be able to recognize your comment after your data is saved.

If your browser allows you to create a temporary cookie, this temporary cookie will expire as soon as you leave the page. The cookie you set from Gmail becomes permanent so that you will not have to face the problem in future. That’s why you need to set your permanent cookie.
If you login to our site, your login cookies are sent to the website so that you can get the benefit of the information present on the website.

If you want to publish a temporary post, you do not need to set any permanent cookies. Your temporary post will remain visible for some time. If you want permanent post then you will have to save your cookies also. We maintain your privacy. You can edit your comment at any time.

Content privacy

Our website keeps your saved information secret. Privacy is our priority. There are many photos or articles on the Zoojaa website. We do not compromise in any way with privacy. If you notice any kind of spam you can contact us, we are always ready to help you.
We are always responsible on the website or always take care of your attention. You should not share any information with third party. One should avoid taking risk of any kind. The information you provide to us is always kept confidential. We keep the information secret obtained from website by you. You can take advantage of all our features without any hindrance. The content available on our website is given to you for free.

How long will we keep your data

Whenever you comment, your comment always remains on this so that you can communicate with everyone through comment. Your comment data will never be deleted.

Any user registered on the website can see the data given by him at any time and can also change it. Your data will remain hidden and secret from us. You can check the information given by you.

We keep the information provided by you safe for your convenience. We do not make any changes to the information provided by you but you have the freedom to change it. We are always ready for your protection or solution. You can always contact at any time.

Your rights to your data

All the data given by you remains in our database. You can always request access to your data. We will help you as soon as possible. We will make every effort to get your data back to you.
If you have any data on the site including comments, if you want to delete the data then you can request us. If you want to delete your account you can also request us.

Who can see your comment

Your comment is visible to all user. everyone can see your comment.